12 years ago
At the start of the year, the U.S. didn’t veer over the so-called “fiscal cliff” when Congress passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA),http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/hr8/text. ATRA, which was signed into law by President Obama on January 2, 2013, extended the Bush tax cuts... [read more]
12 years ago
The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 42 U.S.C. 1320d and 45 C.F.R. 160-164, is a federal law that protects your privacy by preventing the unauthorized dissemination of Personal Health Information (PHI). HIPAA privacy rules are nationally recognized and serve t... [read more]
12 years ago
What happened November 6, 2012, and what does it mean for us in 2013?
Let’s start with some home cooking here in Florida. Although maintaining a majority in the State House and Senate, the GOP failed to convert its two statewide races, namely those for President, with the “OB” team slipping past... [read more]
12 years ago
As many of you avid legal readers may already know, probate in Florida is governed by the Florida Probate Code, found under Title XLII, Chapters 731-735 of the Florida Statutes.http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Index&Title_Request=XLII#TitleXLII.
As I’ve previousl... [read more]
12 years ago
I absolutely love the oath administered in court to a witness. Think for a minute with me about what the above oath implies. First and foremost, this oath requires that the account given by the witness will be correct and accurate. Second, that it will be a complete account. And finally, that th... [read more]
12 years ago
Haven Hospice’s Homer J. Sr. & Fern O. Custead Care Center is the first dedicated Hospice center in Clay County. The Custead Care Center will provide expanded service to patients and families in Orange Park and Clay County.
“Haven Hospice is pleased to expand its direct service and care to m... [read more]
12 years ago
Since it’s already the end of August, I thought it might be high time to start by Christmas list for seniors for this year. With a general election coming up, and the Republican National Convention closing out, what better time to tell all of the politicians and wannabes what would really make me a... [read more]
13 years ago
Medicaid ICP Enrollment for Nursing Home Care
The Institutional Care Program (ICP) is a Medicaid program designed to aid individuals in meeting the cost for nursing home care. Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) administers the enrollment for (ICP). Although Florida’s Agency for H... [read more]
13 years ago
Here’s a non-exclusive list of what clients, being advised by “new school” elder law attorneys, are now considering as advance planning possible solutions for both their future estate planning and elder law needs:
Basic will plans, with strong and expansive lifetime documents, such as a broad dur... [read more]
13 years ago
In Florida, some actions you take for estate planning purposes aren’t necessarily good for elder law planning purposes. Why not? Why is there a difference? Those are both fair questions.
So let’s see, estate planning primarily concerns legal planning to address the potential for disability, chro... [read more]
13 years ago
My Estate Planning Professor used to talk about “Warm Weather Specials” for the Summer, when clients would call on the spur of the moment, leaving the next week (or day), needing to create or update an estate plan.
Word processing helps speed of delivery of course, but that’s not estate planning.... [read more]
13 years ago
Following up from my last blog post, assuming you are mentally and physically “vertical” when you come in for your estate and elder law plan with our office, you will be able to create your own plan for disability or chronic illness. Legally, you call your own shots as long as you are able to.
W... [read more]