Estate Planning As a Form of Crisis Preparation
With the recent announcements by Florida Governor Desantis of public school closures and U.S. President Trump of a national state of emergency due to the coronavirus, the reality that we are facing an unprecedented public health crisis became abundantly clear.
Each day we are seeing new changes regarding businesses closing and public safety guidelines. Medical professionals have advised seniors age 65 and people who are at risk to socially distance, and we’re all adjusting to this health threat as we work to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
Concerns about preparing and enough food, water, toilet paper, medication, and managing the care of children and elderly while under this advised period of quarantine have been of paramount importance, and another significant concern has become more salient to many of us: Estate Planning.
We believe that this is a wise time to stay calm, and take a common-sense approach to address these important concerns. It is also prudent now not to panic or make alarmist decisions. While much has changed, and will continue to change, as this serious situation unfolds, one thing that has not changed–and, in fact, has become more salient is the need to have current Estate Planning documents in place to protect yourself and your loved ones.
As Elder Law Attorneys, we continue to help clients with Estate Planning, and we take a holistic approach as we evaluate each client’s unique situation to create comprehensive and customized Estate Plans for them.
Our approach to Estate Planning has not changed. We continue to recommend that Estate Plans include Lifetime Living Documents to protect clients as we go through the threat of coronavirus, and we use Wills and Trusts to protect and direct the distribution of assets after death to their families and loved ones. We also suggest that now is a time to consider a regular review of these Estate Plans. This serious situation is one where the creation and updating of essential Estate Planning documents is certainly a priority.
If you need help with any aspect of Estate Planning, including Trusts, Wills, Durable Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives, Preneed Guardian Designations, Probate, Trust Administration, and Asset Protection, please do not delay and set an appointment with one of our knowledgeable, compassionate, and caring Elder Law Attorneys.
With offices in Orange Park, Jacksonville, and St. Augustine, our Elder Law Attorneys help clients in the North Florida with all of their Estate Planning needs. Also, telephone and video attorney consultations are available upon request, in lieu of most in person consultations with our attorneys.
We are your Florida First Coast Elder Law Attorneys.