Monthly archives:July 2020
4 years ago
We're often asked if we can help people who live or own real property out of state with either their own, or their loved ones', Estate Planning and Elder Law needs. Our answer is yes, there are many ways we can help them.
The ways our Florida Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorneys ... [read more]
4 years ago
During this period of ongoing concern about the rise of reported coronavirus cases in Florida, we are here continuing to help clients. While much seems uncertain now, we want to reassure you that our Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorneys are here for you, actively practicing, and that we are ready... [read more]
4 years ago
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning residents of long-term care facilities and their families that some facilities may unlawfully require residents who are on Medicaid to sign over their $1,200 pandemic relief checks.
“This is not just a horror story making the rounds. These a... [read more]
5 years ago
Chronic understaffing. Low-wage caregivers. Difficulty containing infections. These are problems that nursing homes faced in the best of times but that have proved especially deadly as the coronavirus pandemic has spread like wildfire though long-term care facilities. In response, many states have m... [read more]
5 years ago
A major concern many of people have is how they can make sure that their loved ones are taken care of in the event of their incapacity or death. A solution to this significant worry is by addressing your concern with proper Estate Planning. Our Florida Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorneys cre... [read more]
5 years ago
Access to affordable medical care is especially important during a global health crisis. You should be aware that federal law prevents states that have accepted increased Medicaid funding from terminating Medicaid benefits while the coronavirus health emergency continues.
The Secretary of Hea... [read more]