Monthly archives:July 2018
7 years ago
Medicare is extending its offer of relief from penalties for certain Medicare beneficiaries who enrolled in Medicare Part A and had coverage through the individual marketplace. Beneficiaries who qualify will be able to enroll in Medicare Part B without paying a penalty for late enrollment if they en... [read more]
7 years ago
One question we're often asked by clients is if they have a Trust, do they still need a Will. Our answer is: YES! It is wise to create a Pour-Over Will. This document creates a safety net to ensure that any forgotten or other accumulated assets not titled in your Trust are transferred into your Trus... [read more]
7 years ago
Understanding what benefits might be available to your child or loved one with special needs can be confusing. Different benefits apply in different circumstances, and sometimes different benefit programs can work together to help meet the needs of an individual. Childhood disabled beneficiary bene... [read more]
7 years ago
A U.S. court of appeal has struck down a Department of Labor (DOL) rule that was intended to prevent financial advisers from steering their clients to bad retirement investments, but the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has proposed new regulations to at least partially address the same prob... [read more]
7 years ago
We're often asked by clients if they would benefit from the use of a Revocable Living Trust. Our answer is that Revocable Living Trusts are an excellent way to manage property and other assets during their lifetime and to transfer them to loved ones after death without probate. You can also modify o... [read more]
7 years ago
Although a nursing home cannot require a child to be personally liable for their parent's nursing home bill, there are circumstances in which children can end up having to pay. This is a major reason why it is important to read any admission agreements carefully before signing.
Federal regula... [read more]
7 years ago
One question we are asked frequently is what the benefits of a Trust are over just having a Will. Our answer is that there are several reasons why a Trust can be preferable to a Will. For example, a Trust does not typically have to go through any probate proceedings if funded properly, and the Trust... [read more]
7 years ago
In an underreported case involving police violence, the state of California has agreed to pay nearly $1 million to a man with schizophrenia. The money will be placed in a special needs trust (SNT) to enhance the man’s quality of life while preserving his eligibility for public benefits.
On D... [read more]
7 years ago
Figuring out how much to save for retirement and when you can safely stop working can be difficult. A growing number of online retirement calculators, many of them free, are available to help. Although these calculators may yield vastly different results, they can still be useful tools.
Based... [read more]
7 years ago
A federal magistrate judge has recommended that a new set of charges filed against a disability attorney who dubbed himself “Mr. Social Security” should go forward. But the real victims in the largest-ever Social Security disability fraud case are the attorney’s thousands of clients who now must pr... [read more]