Category archives: Federal Disability Rights Laws
6 years ago
It may soon be a new day for airline travelers with disabilities. In a groundbreaking development, a new law directs the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to create a bill of rights for passengers with disabilities to protect their right to fly free of discrimination.
The change is part of th... [read more]
6 years ago
Congress has passed and President Trump has signed a law delaying by one year the requirement that providers of home health care services clock in electronically with Medicaid prior to performing services.
Disability rights advocates and a bipartisan group of senators had been calling for the... [read more]
6 years ago
Each year, hundreds of bills and regulations are proposed with little if any analysis of how they will affect the lives of people with disabilities.
If signed into law, a new Senate bill, titled the Office of Disability Policy Act of 2018, would change this. Introduced July 24, the legislation wo... [read more]