Category archives: Life Insurance
4 years ago
When applying for Medicaid many people often forget about life insurance. But depending on the type of life insurance and the value of the policy, it can count as an asset.
In order to qualify for Medicaid, you can't have more than $2,000 in assets (in most states). Life i... [read more]
5 years ago
Older Americans with a life insurance policy that they no longer need have the option to sell the policy to investors. These transactions, called "life settlements," can bring in needed cash, but are they a good idea?
If your children are grown and your mortgage paid off, you may decide that ther... [read more]
6 years ago
Parents want their children to be taken care of after they die. But children with disabilities have increased financial and care needs, so ensuring their long-term welfare can be tricky. Proper planning by parents is necessary to benefit the child with a disability, including an adult child, as well... [read more]
6 years ago
Taking care of a parent can be a full-time job. Children may have to give up paying jobs in order to provide care to aging parents. Unfortunately, caregiving is usually unpaid work. Parents who want to compensate a child who takes on the burden of caregiving may do so in one of several ways.
Ca... [read more]
6 years ago
One question we're often asked by clients is if we can help them find resources to help cover the high costs that can often be associated with aging; such as at-home care or a skilled nursing facility. Our answer is that we are happy to help clients address these concerns by evaluating benefits such... [read more]