- Care Planning
- Caregivers
- Caretaker Child
- Clay County
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- Planning
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- St. Johns County
- 6 years ago
- We're often asked by clients how they can make sure that they are not kept alive by artificial means if they are in a terminal situation due to an accident or illness. Our answer is that a Living Will is an important part of their Estate Plan because it clearly states what their wishes are regarding... [read more]
Category archives: Medical Decisions
- Care Planning
- Caregivers
- Caretaker Child
- Children
- Clay County
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Elderly
- Green Cove Springs
- Guardianship
- Health Care Surrogate
- Homeowners
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- Jacksonville
- Mediation
- Medical Decisions
- North Florida
- Nursing Home
- Orange Park
- Planning
- Seniors
- Sibling Agreements
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- 7 years ago
- Caring for an elderly parent can be stressful for families. Siblings may disagree over how to provide care or where a parent will live, and if these squabbles escalate into a guardianship battle, it can cost the family thousands of dollars. To avoid this, lawyers have begun drafting sibling agreemen... [read more]
- Asset Preservation
- Children with Special Needs
- Elder Law
- Elderly
- Estate Planning
- Grandchildren with Special Needs
- Jacksonville
- Life Care Planning
- Long-Term Care
- Malpractice Insurance
- Medicaid
- Medicaid Application
- Medicaid Eligiblity
- Medicaid Planning
- Medical Decisions
- North Florida
- Nursing Home
- Orange Park
- Planning
- Seniors
- Skilled Nursing and Home Care
- Spouses with Special Needs
- 7 years ago
- Many seniors and their families don't use a lawyer to plan for long-term care or Medicaid, often because they're afraid of the cost. But an attorney can help you save money in the long run as well as make sure you are getting the best care for your loved one. Instead of taking steps based on ... [read more]
- Adult Children
- B;ank Records
- Children
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- Credit Card Bills
- Crisis Planning
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Grandchildren
- Health Care Proxy with HIPAA Release
- Health Care Surrogate
- High School Students
- Incapacity
- Jacksonville
- Medical Decisions
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Planning
- St. Augustine
- Will
- 7 years ago
- If your child has reached the teenage years, you may already feel as though you are losing control of her life. This is legally true once your child reaches the age of 18 because then the state considers your childĀ to be an adult with the legal right to govern his or her own life. Up until yo... [read more]