Category archives: Living Will
1 year ago
An Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis can be a challenging journey for the person and family alike. When the diagnosis occurs, a ticking clock begins on the timeline for getting proper and sound notarizations done for crucial legal documents.
What Does It Mean to Get a Document Notarized?
Accor... [read more]
1 year ago
If medical personnel are able to access your medical history during an emergency, it could mean the difference between life and death. But if, for example, you are injured, in shock, suffering from dementia, or are otherwise incapacitated, you may not be able to provide that information yourself.
... [read more]
4 years ago
We are living in a time of change and ongoing uncertainty. During the last month we experienced a change in U.S. government leadership from the Trump to the Biden Administration, and with this change comes the potential for new policies that may potentially affect many aspects of our lives, includin... [read more]
4 years ago
The realities of the coronavirus pandemic continue to affect us all, and this time of great concern and uncertainty has led many people to consider their health care choices. It has also been a catalyst for important conversations with family and loved ones regarding health care.
In fact, one que... [read more]
6 years ago
It is a very good idea to create advance directives in order to plan for the possibility that you may one day be unable to make your own medical decisions. In doing so, there can be confusion about the difference between a living will and a "do-not-resuscitate" order (DNR). While both these document... [read more]
6 years ago
One question we are often asked by clients is how specific they should be regarding their wishes about medical care, including tests, medications, surgical procedures, and heroic measures during a serious illness or crisis situation, in their Estate Planning documents. Our answer is that you are wis... [read more]
6 years ago
We're often asked by clients how they can make sure that they are not kept alive by artificial means if they are in a terminal situation due to an accident or illness. Our answer is that a Living Will is an important part of their Estate Plan because it clearly states what their wishes are regarding... [read more]
6 years ago
A question we're often asked is how parents can make sure that their minor children are provided for in the event that they cannot care for them due to incapacity or death.
Our answer is that this is an incredibly important consideration and that, in addition to having their own Advance Directive... [read more]
6 years ago
We're often asked by parents if when their child turns 18 year old, and goes away to college, they will they be able to access information and make important decisions for their children when necessary.
Our answer is that while your child transitions into adulthood they may need your help with im... [read more]
6 years ago
According to court documents, legendary singer Aretha Franklin did not have a will when she died, despite reportedly having a son with special needs. The lack of a will opens up the intensely private singer’s estate to public scrutiny and unnecessary costs, and means that there are no specific provi... [read more]
6 years ago
One question we are often asked by new and prospective clients is how our Estate Planning process works. The process begins with an initial consultation with the attorney and the client, where essential personal and financial information and lifetime and legacy goals are discussed. The attorney deta... [read more]
6 years ago
One question we are asked regularly by our clients is how they can make sure that their health care wishes are respected and adhered to regarding medical treatment for a terminal condition or end-of-life situation. Our answer is that creating a Living Will that follows Florida Statutory guidelines, ... [read more]