Category archives: HIPAA Release
2 years ago
Doctors, nurses, and hospital staff work hard to care for their patients when they are sick or hurt. However, even when a procedure is done to save a patient’s life, a hospital cannot act without patient consent. If a patient cannot speak for themselves and express their wishes, the hospital relies ... [read more]
4 years ago
As many of us are preparing for the fall and family members going back to school, some people are experiencing the excitement of children or grandchildren starting college. Other adult children are perhaps entering the work force or traveling to enjoy a break from academic demands. Regardless of the... [read more]
4 years ago
The realities of the coronavirus pandemic continue to affect us all, and this time of great concern and uncertainty has led many people to consider their health care choices. It has also been a catalyst for important conversations with family and loved ones regarding health care.
In fact, one que... [read more]
6 years ago
If you become incapacitated, who will make your medical decisions? A health care proxy allows you to appoint someone else to act as your agent for medical decisions. It will ensure that your medical treatment instructions are carried out, and it is especially important to have a health care proxy if... [read more]
6 years ago
A question we're often asked is how parents can make sure that their minor children are provided for in the event that they cannot care for them due to incapacity or death.
Our answer is that this is an incredibly important consideration and that, in addition to having their own Advance Directive... [read more]
6 years ago
We're often asked by parents if when their child turns 18 year old, and goes away to college, they will they be able to access information and make important decisions for their children when necessary.
Our answer is that while your child transitions into adulthood they may need your help with im... [read more]
6 years ago
One question we are often asked by new and prospective clients is how our Estate Planning process works. The process begins with an initial consultation with the attorney and the client, where essential personal and financial information and lifetime and legacy goals are discussed. The attorney deta... [read more]
6 years ago
Did you know that Elder Law starts at age 18? Most legal rights attach to an individual when they turn 18 years old. If you are supporting an adult child or college student it may be difficult to assist them with academic, financial, or health care decisions without some essential documents.
To e... [read more]
6 years ago
The Importance of Designating a Health Care Surrogate
We're often asked by clients how they can make sure that their medical wishes are carried out in the event of illness or injury. The designation of a Health Care Surrogate addresses this concern by giving a person you select the ability to mak... [read more]
7 years ago
Estate Planning is a process through which you plan for your lifetime care decisions, in the event that you become mentally or physically incapacitated; and planning for the transfer of your assets to beneficiaries in the event of your death, while minimizing tax burdens for your beneficiaries and p... [read more]