- Adult Children
- Advance Directives
- Asset Protection
- Children
- Clay County
- Durable Powers of Attorney
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Fleming Island
- Florida
- Florida First Coast
- Health Care Surrogate
- HIPAA Release
- Illness
- Incapacity
- Jacksonville
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- 4 years ago
- As many of us are preparing for the fall and family members going back to school, some people are experiencing the excitement of children or grandchildren starting college. Other adult children are perhaps entering the work force or traveling to enjoy a break from academic demands. Regardless of the... [read more]
Category archives: Children
- Caretaker Child
- Children
- Clay County
- Elder Law
- Elderly
- Estate Planning
- Family Care Agreement
- Florida
- Florida First Coast
- Jacksonville
- Life Care Planning
- Long-Term Care
- Medicaid
- Medicaid Asset Transfer Rules
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Planning
- Probate
- Property
- Seniors
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Trusts
- Wills
- 5 years ago
- In most states, transferring your house to your children (or someone else) may lead to a Medicaid penalty period, which would make you ineligible for Medicaid for a period of time. However, there are circumstances in which transferring a house will not result in a penalty period. One of those... [read more]
- Children
- Children with Disabilities
- Children with Special Needs
- Clay County
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Florida First Coast
- Grandchildren
- Grandchildren with Special Needs
- Grandparents
- Green Cove Springs
- Jacksonville
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Special Needs Planning
- Special Needs Trust
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- 6 years ago
- When parents ponder how to provide for their child with special needs, they sometimes forget one of the key advantages of a special needs trust that is created while the parents are still alive: the trust can be the recipient not just of the obvious assets that are available for the child. Members o... [read more]
- 6 years ago
- The number of older Americans with student loan debt – either theirs or someone else’s -- is growing. Sadly, learning how to deal with this debt is now a fact of life for many seniors heading into retirement. According to a study by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the number of olde... [read more]
- Children
- Clay County
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Green Cove Springs
- Health Care Directives
- Health Care Proxy with HIPAA Release
- Health Care Surrogate
- HIPAA Release
- IRA Gifting to Children
- Jacksonville
- Legacy Planning
- Lifetime Living Documents
- Living Will
- Minor Children
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Young Families
- 6 years ago
- A question we're often asked is how parents can make sure that their minor children are provided for in the event that they cannot care for them due to incapacity or death. Our answer is that this is an incredibly important consideration and that, in addition to having their own Advance Directive... [read more]
- Adult Children
- Aging
- Care Planning
- Caregivers
- Children
- Clay County
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Elder Law
- Elderly
- Estate Planning
- Family Care Agreement
- Florida
- Green Cove Springs
- Jacksonville
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Planning
- Seniors
- Sibiling Disputes
- Sibling Agreement
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- 6 years ago
- A power of attorney is one of the most important estate planning documents, but when one sibling is named in a power of attorney, there is the potential for disputes with other siblings. No matter which side you are on, it is important to know your rights and limitations. A power of attorney ... [read more]
- Avoiding Probate
- Beneficiaries
- Benifciary Designations
- Children
- Clay County
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Elderly
- Estate Planning
- Executor
- Florida Statutes
- Florida Wills
- Green Cove Springs
- Guardianship Planning
- Jacksonville
- Life Care Planning
- Living Will
- Long-Term Care
- North Florida
- Planning
- Preneed Guardian Designations
- Probate
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Will
- 6 years ago
- According to court documents, legendary singer Aretha Franklin did not have a will when she died, despite reportedly having a son with special needs. The lack of a will opens up the intensely private singer’s estate to public scrutiny and unnecessary costs, and means that there are no specific provi... [read more]
- ABLE Account
- ABLE Accounts
- Able Age Adjustment Act
- Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014
- Care Managers
- Care Planning
- Caregivers
- Childhood Disabled Beneficiary Benefits
- Children
- Children with Disabilities
- Children with Special Needs
- Clay County
- Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
- Disability
- Disability Advocates
- Elder Law
- Elderly
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Green Cove Springs
- Jacksonville
- Medicaid Payback Provision
- National Association of State Treasurers
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
- People with Special Needs
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- 6 years ago
- In the past two years, nearly every state in the country has passed legislation enabling people with disabilities and their families to open new savings accounts, modeled after popular 529 college savings plans, to save for disability related expenses. But early projections indicate that many of ... [read more]
- Adult Children
- Children
- Clay County
- College Age Children
- College Students
- Designation of Health Care Surrogate
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Estate Planning for Adult Children
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Florida
- Green Cove Springs
- Health Care Directives
- Health Care Proxy with HIPAA Release
- Health Care Surrogate
- HIPAA Release
- Jacksonville
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- 6 years ago
- Did you know that Elder Law starts at age 18? Most legal rights attach to an individual when they turn 18 years old. If you are supporting an adult child or college student it may be difficult to assist them with academic, financial, or health care decisions without some essential documents. To e... [read more]
- Children
- Children with Disabilities
- Clay County
- Designation of Health Care Surrogate
- Designation of Preneed Guardian
- Digital Assets
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Estate Plans
- Estate Tax
- Florida
- Green Cove Springs
- HIPAA Release
- Jacksonville
- Lifetime Living Documents
- Living Will
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- People with Special Needs
- Planning
- Protection from Creditors
- Special Needs Planning
- Special Needs Trust
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Trust Administration
- Trust Beneficiary
- Trust Protector
- Trustee
- Trusts
- Will
- Wills
- 7 years ago
- Estate Planning is a process through which you plan for your lifetime care decisions, in the event that you become mentally or physically incapacitated; and planning for the transfer of your assets to beneficiaries in the event of your death, while minimizing tax burdens for your beneficiaries and p... [read more]
- Aging
- Asset Preservation
- Avoiding Probate
- Children
- Clay County
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Elderly
- Estate Planning
- Estate Plans
- Estate Tax
- Federal Gift Taxes
- Federal Taxes
- Florida
- Florida Statutes
- Gifting
- Grandchildren
- Grandparents
- Green Cove Springs
- Jacksonville
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Taxes
- Trusts
- Wills
- 7 years ago
- We're often asked by clients how they can avoid or limit tax consequences for their family and loved ones through Estate Planning. Our answer is that part of our comprehensive and customized approach to working with our clients is to find opportunities to minimize tax liabilities that can include li... [read more]
- Adult Children
- Aging
- At-Home Care
- Care Planning
- Caregivers
- Caretaker Child
- Children
- Clay County
- Duval County
- Elder Care Coordinator
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Green Cove Springs
- Jacksonville
- Life Care Planning
- Life Care Plans
- Long-Term Care
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Planning
- Resources
- Senior Resources
- Seniors
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- 7 years ago
- Joy Loverde. Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old? Plan Now to Safeguard Your Health and Happiness in Old Age. New York, NY: Da Capo Press, 2017. 313 pages. Click here to order book via IndieBound.org. Millions of Americans are facing old age essentially alone. One in three baby boomers is sing... [read more]