Tags archives: Advance Directives
2 years ago
If medical personnel are able to access your medical history during an emergency, it could mean the difference between life and death. But if, for example, you are injured, in shock, suffering from dementia, or are otherwise incapacitated, you may not be able to provide that information yourself.
... [read more]
4 years ago
As many of us are preparing for the fall and family members going back to school, some people are experiencing the excitement of children or grandchildren starting college. Other adult children are perhaps entering the work force or traveling to enjoy a break from academic demands. Regardless of the... [read more]
4 years ago
Netflix’s popular new movie, I Care a Lot, may be far-fetched in a lot of ways, but it does highlight some real weaknesses in the guardianship system that make it possible for an unscrupulous guardian to take control of an elderly person’s life and bleed their resources dry. Fortunately, steps can b... [read more]
5 years ago
Making sure your end-of-life wishes are followed no matter where you happen to be is important. If you move to a different state or split your time between one or more states, you should make sure your advance directive is valid in all the states you frequent.
An advance directive gives instr... [read more]
6 years ago
One question we are often asked by clients is how specific they should be regarding their wishes about medical care, including tests, medications, surgical procedures, and heroic measures during a serious illness or crisis situation, in their Estate Planning documents. Our answer is that you are wis... [read more]
6 years ago
We're often asked by clients how they can make sure that important health care and financial decisions are made in accordance with their wishes if they are not able to express them for themselves. Our answer is that they can have peace of mind by selecting a trusted person, or persons, and signing A... [read more]
7 years ago
Associate Attorney Alison E. Hickman was recognized by the Supreme Court of Florida for her pro bono work in the Fourth Judicial Circuit.
In addition to this letter of Recognition, she received a writing pen and lapel pin from the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division and Florida Pro Bono Coordinat... [read more]