Tags archives: Durable Power of Attorney
3 years ago
With the recent and ongoing concerns about the coronavirus, as we shift into the fall, it remains clear that we are continuing to face an unprecedented public health crisis--one that is affecting many people of all ages, and from all walks of life. It has become tragically clear for many that Estate... [read more]
4 years ago
As many of us are preparing for the fall and family members going back to school, some people are experiencing the excitement of children or grandchildren starting college. Other adult children are perhaps entering the work force or traveling to enjoy a break from academic demands. Regardless of the... [read more]
6 years ago
A durable power of attorney is one of the most important estate planning documents you can have. It allows you to appoint someone to act for you (your "agent" or "attorney-in-fact") if you become incapacitated. Without a power of attorney, your loved ones would not be able to make decisions for you ... [read more]
6 years ago
A power of attorney is one of the most important estate planning documents, but when one sibling is named in a power of attorney, there is the potential for disputes with other siblings. No matter which side you are on, it is important to know your rights and limitations.
A power of attorney ... [read more]
7 years ago
We are regularly asked by clients what they can do to ensure that they are protected financially if, in the event of an accident, an unexpected illness, or a period of incapacity, they are unable to make financial and business decisions for themselves. We advise clients to have a trusted family mem... [read more]
7 years ago
If your child has reached the teenage years, you may already feel as though you are losing control of her life. This is legally true once your child reaches the age of 18 because then the state considers your child to be an adult with the legal right to govern his or her own life.
Up until yo... [read more]